KingHill´s Key Energy Partnerships
KingHill`s ambition is always to have long relationship with our customers, today we are the proud exclusive local partner in Australia & New Zeeland for the following exciting Swedish entities & solutions:
(by Gomero AB)
Swedish Gomero offers predictive maintenance for energy distribution. Renewables are at the centre of the transition to a less carbon-intensive and more sustainable energy system. At the same time, the demand for electricity is changing. With smarter maintenance, we can be proactive, increase the life span of our investments, and lower the total cost of ownership.
The SIPP solution was created back in 2002 when the biggest Swedish utility Vattenfall spilled 20,000 litres of oil from a transformer bund into a popular swimming lake… Today the SIPP solution is one of very few systems that can detect both Esther oil and Mineral oil down to 1 PPM (most installations run either 5 or 10 PPM as acceptable threshold levels to pump to stormwater or ground). With Ester oil having a density more similar to water than Mineral oil, traditional separators have big problems detecting Ester oil spills.
Over time the SIPP solution has evolved a connected device ensuring your maintenance needs at a substation (not only the transformer bund!) are monitored 24/7 in a safe & cost-efficient manner. In Australia we now have +70 SIPP solutions running across 8 network customers (6 DNSPs, 1 TNSPs & 1 Railway infrastructure operator). The majority of our installations to date have been retrofit projects. Looking forward to very exciting times in 2023-2024
The key drivers for going with the SIPP system;
Enabling predictive maintenance of your Transformers with 24/7 monitoring, clear overview of status on all assets, flexible alarm management structure (possible to link with asset register for full transparency), no need for visits without prior alarm.
o SIPP is a control unit (not a treatment unit), it measures and test all water discharged and archive all protocols. Don´t discharge anything with an oil content higher than threshold (typically 5-10 PPM oil)
o SF6 Gas leakage remote monitoring capability, an innovative remote, real-time monitoring solution that provides highly accurate early warning of SF6 leakages from substation switchgear.
o AI detections of Leaks in structure or melting Snow in bunds; with fixed installed SIPP units that monitor levels in the bunds & pits 24/7 our AI analysis will detect if the bunds are sealed or if the leak over time and when melting snow overflow bunds!
o Customize our customers key monitoring needs, what are the key measures critical for Assets health on site that take up the majority of the service staff time & resources in your organisation?
For more information, please see: Gomero´s webpage
Metrum provides world leading, intelligent measurement systems of power quality, with a full-range of Class A PQ meters and an advanced PQ analytical platform. Our solutions assist customers to avoid downtime and power quality issues. We offer our customers tailor made comprehensive solutions for power quality measurement, where the customer's unique requirements comprise the foundation for the delivered solution.
Our key target group is the Energy & Utility network sector – from power generation through Transmission & Distribution to heavy industries which are big electricity consumers.
As a testimony that Metrum is an international leader in its field, Metrum is taking a leading part in some very interesting EU-financed Research, European Pattern Recognition project; Home ( & Big storage & battery project in;
In Australia we installed the first Metrum PQ meters in 2022, at two solar farms in QLD and at a manufacturing site in WA. More info from these great references to be shared soon!
For more information, please see: Metrum´s webpage